Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

I am not filling out a bracket for the NCAA Basketball Championship. When I used to do it, I would predict that MSU (Michigan State) would win it all. A couple times I was even right, but since I am a Big 10 (11) fan I usually pick the Big 10 to send 2-4 teams into the final 4; and my brackets look bad after the sweet 16.

I like the idea that almost all of the best teams are competing for a Championship; unlike football where only at most 2-3 teams have a real chance. America should be like that; everyone should have a chance and in general one of the best will win.

So if you want a prediction : MSU will win it all!

Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath.-- Wilt Chamberlain

One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

This is the second most exciting indoor sport, and the other one shouldn't have spectators.
-- Dick Vertleib

If you are going to take it to the bank, then you better cash it in. -- Shannon Fish

My responsibility is getting all my players playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back.

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. -- Tim Duncan

basketball (n) a game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed above each end of the court. • the inflated ball used in this game

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